Food journaling and tracking your diet and eating habits offer several advantages, such as identifying irregularities that might be causing imbalances in digestion, assimilation, and elimination. It also helps establish more regularity with daily food schedules and identify specific foods and portions to raise awareness when trying to control weight. Below is an example of a one-day food journal listing everything consumed: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and the times. Include if you had any reactions like gas, pain, acidity, etc.
Below is an example of a food journal that can be documented in a Word document or the body of an email. You can also download the attached daily log. Please include as much detail as possible, and when you are finished, return it to me.
Day and Date
Breakfast- 7:15 am
Oatmeal made with almond milk, blueberries, and cottage cheese.
I felt sluggish and heavy.
Snack- 10 am
Power bar and handful of grapes
I felt gassy
Lunch- 1 pm
Monti Cristo sandwich, salad with ranch dressing, french fries
I had to go to the bathroom immediately
Snack- 3 pm
A handful of dates and almonds
Very energizing but then heartburn
Dinner- 7:30 pm
Roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and sauteed broccoli
Snack: Ice cream sandwich
Time- 9 pm
Answer the following questions:
Do you drink dairy milk (full fat, low-fat, or nonfat)?
Do you drink nondairy kinds of milk, and what kind?
Do you eat cheese and type (goat, cow, sheep)?
Do you have gluten sensitivities?
If you use sugar, what type do you prefer (regular, brown, coconut, etc.)?
Do you have specific spices or cooking herbs?
What are your favorite foods?
What foods do you dislike the most?