Ayurveda means the science of life and is India's traditional healing system. It is considered the mother of all medicines, including allopathic, holistic, and surgical medicines. Ayurveda is the healing side of Yoga, and likewise, Yoga is the spiritual side of Ayurveda. Together, Ayurveda and Yoga help people connect to their true nature as spirit and encompass a complete approach to the body, mind, and spirit connection.
Ayurveda views health and disease as the result of how we interact with our environment. Harmonious interactions lead to health, while disharmonious interactions lead to disharmony and disease. Ayurveda is the science of developing greater harmony with our environment through our senses and practices.
According to Ayurveda, we create and recreate our state of health each day based on how we interact with the world. Our beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, and feelings ultimately determine our actions. Harmonious actions create health harmony with our true nature, while disharmonious actions create disease.
Your constitution is a unique balance of three elemental energies called Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These Doshas combine the five elements found in the universe (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and earth). Each person's balance is different, resulting in a unique set of challenges and gifts. For this reason, no two programs are alike, and each person's path toward health is unique.

The Vata dosha is a combination of the Air and Either element. Vata is like the wind; it is light, cool, dry, and mobile. People with a Vata nature tend to be light; their bones are thin, and their skin and hair are dry. They often move and speak quickly. When out of balance, they may lose weight, become constipated, and have weakness in their immune and nervous systems. Their personalities are talkative, enthusiastic, creative, flexible, and energetic. When out of balance, they may become easily overwhelmed, have difficulty focusing or making decisions, and have trouble sleeping. Cooler emotions like worry, fear, anxiety, and being overwhelmed characterize them.

The Pitta dosha is made up of fire and water elements. Fire is predominant, and those with this nature have many fire qualities within them. Pitta tends to be hot, sharp, penetrative, and sometimes volatile and oily. They tend to feel warm, have oily skin, have penetrating eyes, and have sharp features. They have moderate weight and good musculature. They can have diarrhea, infections, skin rashes, and liver and blood weakness when out of balance. Their personalities tend to be highly focused, competitive, courageous, and energetic, and they are good communicators. They are problem solvers, and when under stress, they can dig in their heels and become intense with a sharp tongue. Emotionally, they have heated emotions of anger, resentment, and jealousy.

The Kapha dosha is a combination of the water and earth elements. Like these elements, they tend to be cool, moist, stable, and heavy. Their physical bodies are dense, with heavy bones, lustrous hair, supple skin, low metabolism, and large, stocky frames. When out of balance, they are prone to weight gain and have weaknesses in their lungs and sinuses because of mucous accumulation. Because of their natures, their personalities are stable and grounded and not prone to quick decisions. They handle stress well and are generally conservative, preferring to keep things as they are. They are comfort seekers, leading to a lack of motivation and feeling stuck. When out of balance, they have heavy emotions of depression and lethargy.
The first step in restoring balance is understanding one's constitution (Prakriti) and assessing the current state of health (Vikruti). Ayurveda achieves balance by employing opposites and utilizing various therapies associated with the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. These therapies can include food, diet, spices, herbal remedies, exercise, yoga practices, body, aroma, and color therapies. For example, if you are predominantly Vata or experiencing Vata imbalances (cold, dry, light, and mobile), your program would incorporate warm, moist, heavy, and stable foods, lifestyle practices, herbs, yoga, pranayama and meditation practices.